...be an authentic work-in-progress than a fake masterpiece. —Ines Rivero

An Entrepreneur’s Equation for Success 

An Entrepreneur’s Equation for Success 

A Positive Spin on Negative Energy.

People like to see others succeed because it gives them hope. People also love to see others fail because it makes them feel good about themselves and substantiates opinions they have. It’s normal to have pleasure in people’s failures but neurotic if you revel in it. It’s most likely that you wish failure on individuals that have irritated or hurt you—a sort of passive “getting even”. Standards and measurement on what society might label as success and failure is very personal, more so as entrepreneurs. 

Entrepreneurs see (or rather don’t see) success and failure by totally different standards. By starting and going past just the idea about a venture, a business, or a product is successful. Successful behavior breeds success. This is why the average person can’t see the success of “starting”. Hundreds of decisions are made before the brick and mortar of a business appears. Days, months, and sometimes years are filled with successes and failures before that storefront turns its OPEN light on.  

It’s a little more obscure when it comes to detecting failure. Is it failure to not have a day off in years? Is it failure because something didn’t sell? Is it failure to have to take out another loan? Who builds a business of any kind marking failure in the timeline? In entrepreneur-language it’s called “a back-up plan”, “plan B”, “Re-Grand Opening”, and “starting over”. 

An entrepreneur’s measure of success and failure is undetectable to the public because it’s personal and buried in the minutia. Entrepreneurs are individual people that have courage and conviction, who have more than just ideas, and who see success and failure as one and the same. Physics says that positive energy and negative energy is equal and in equal amounts are equal. This is an entrepreneur’s equation and we will take any and all energy and make it energy for success.