...be an authentic work-in-progress than a fake masterpiece. —Ines Rivero

CreationOvation Art Center Lounge Talks (COLT)

This creative networking “creatively” has been a goal of mine since the first time I saw TED Talks (technology, entertainment, design). From the first time I saw TED Talks, I was immediately inspired. Not so much inspired by each individual or even the subjects they spoke about, but more by the fact that you could bring a group of people together and have someone talk about interesting technology, entertainment, and design—then something wonderful happens. You get educated, inspired, and rebooted.

We are all the same whether you consider yourself artistic. Humans have a need to build, create, and change stuff to improve the quality of their lives and the lives of others. Build it and they will come albeit slowly. Come rain or shine, 1 or 100, COLT will meet every first-Friday from 9:00 to 12:00.

This Friday, April 6th, Fernando Del Rosario will be talking about “cleansing the creative palette” and the group will talk about creative blocks, how they reboot, and chit-chat about a creative person’s struggle to get things done. Breakfast starts at 9:00.

For more information and to sign up please go to COLT.

If you want to inspire creativity; if you’re an expert at something; if you can help others with a talk then email me at msena@creationovation. State your expertise. Let’s get you into a themed first-Friday COLT.