...be an authentic work-in-progress than a fake masterpiece. —Ines Rivero

Finding Time

Finding Time

You can’t find time. Time is not an object or a goal or something you can put on your wish list. Time needs to be made. Everyday, no matter how busy or tired I am, I make time. Time to draw. I hashtag #draweveryday and even if I don’t post something, I literally “draw every day”. It’s the only way I can get better. “Better at what?” you ask. The answer I give you is: Make time to draw every day so that drawing becomes second-nature. When drawing becomes second-nature then the thing that you need to get down—with whatever medium and whatever platform—is the art. I don’t want to be thinking about the technique or the logistic.

A Master Japanese caligrapher will practice hundreds of times to mix the perfect ink and practice hundreds of times to brush the perfect character. Only when he has made the time, when the practice has become a process, and when the process is second nature, will he create the thing that is art.